Guyan Valley will not have afterschool due to a water outage in the main building. All students will come home on the bus.

Good Evening Wildcat Community,
Your child will be bringing home a permission slip to attend an animal showing at GVMS presented by Barn Hill Animal Preserve. The permission slip has optional picture and merchandise opportunities, but must be signed and returned in order for your child to attend the show. Please have this form returned by Friday.

The holiday countdown has begun! Here are our holiday spirit dress up days for GVMS. We encourage all students and staff members to participate.

Please take a few minutes to answer the questions in the school culture/climate response form. I truly appreciate your feedback and promise we will use your suggestions to improve the school culture, climate, and pride at GVMS.

Local School Improvement Council "LSIC"
Wednesday, November 1st, at 6:00 pm
GVMS will host an LSIC Meeting in our Game Room at GVMS
We would love to have input from our students, parents, community members, and local business representatives that support GVMS.
We will discuss the following topics:
Student Academic Achievement - Where we are, where we want to be, our plan to get there, and an open forum to improve our plan.
School Improvements to date, and suggested School Improvements
Open Discussion
This LSIC meeting will be open to the public. If you would like to speak during the meeting, regarding a particular issue, please email Brittany Porter at beporter@k12.wv.us to be placed on the agenda. Please include your name, connection to GVMS, contact number in the event of an emergency cancellation, and the topic you would like to speak on. We sincerely look forward to collaborating on creating the best environment for our students.

Good evening! If you were selected to go on the Kings Island trip tomorrow for scoring mastery, here is some information:
We will be leaving GVMS at noon tomorrow. LCHS students will be picked up from LCHS at 11:30 by a school bus. They will be brought to GVMS gym.
Students will eat lunch before we leave for the trip.
All students attending must be present at school and they must ride the bus to Kings Island. Once there parents may sign their child out with Mrs. Gallion.
Students will have their ticket, a meal ticket, and an all day drink band. They only need money for purchase of extras. Kings Island is cashless, but they can load money onto a gift card at the park.
It will likely be cold, so please tell your child to dress warm.
No bags are allowed inside the park.
We will return at approximately 3:30 am. Someone must be here to pick your child up.
If you have questions you may call the school in the morning.

Who wants to be a volunteer? Please contact Dr. Porter, Mrs. Gallion, Ms. Evelina Butcher, or Mrs. Carmen Foust if you would like to volunteer your time.

Good Evening! I have some important information regarding the GVMS and Duval football game this evening. Administration were notified of a water line break that will have GVMS without water for a minimum of three hours this evening. The water company is working hard to get the water line restored. Please be aware that the restrooms will be closed until the water has been turned back on. We will have water available for purchase at the concession stand and plenty of water for all athletes. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

Good Morning Wildcats!
Last night our Soccer Team defeated Hamlin Bobcats 10-2! Congratulations!!
Tonight, our Football Team plays Hamlin, at Lions Club Field, at 6:30 pm. There is only one set of bleachers, with Home and Away sections labeled. However, the typical visitor's side will be available if you want to bring a lawn chair. Good luck Wildcats!

Guyan Valley is offering after-school tutoring from 3:45 - 5:30 daily, beginning Monday, 9/11/23, with an emphasis on improving reading comprehension, vocabulary, writing, and math fundamentals. It is also a wonderful opportunity for a student to study for tests, complete missing assignments, or to do make-up work from absences. A meal will be served for students who stay for tutoring, band, robotics, athletics, Bible club, or the last bus.
Transportation will be provided for students along Route 10, going towards Ranger first and ending at the top of West Hamlin Hill. These are the drop off locations.
Branchland Lumbar
Midkiff Dollar General (across the road)
Ranger Pic Pac
37 to the county line
West Hamlin Post Office
Route 10 West Hamlin towards Bear Creek and Salt Rock
West Hamlin Hill (at the top)
Students do not have to ride this bus, but they can only be picked up by a parent/guardian or a
person listed on the emergency form.
Please fill out the information completely on the back and return this form to the after-school tutor, Bobbi Walden, in room 306. If you need to pick up your child early, you may message your child, but I will need to confirm this. You may contact me at 304-824-3235, ext. 2829.
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to working with your child.
Bobbi Walden

This Week in Wildcat Country…Parent newsletter

Please visit this press release announcing the awards for the inaugural WVPEC Teacher Innovation Mini-Grant. Dr. Porter was one of twenty three awarded the grant from an application pool of 198. These funds will go to purchasing equipment for Wildcat Corporation's new Broadcasting Program, Wildcat TV.

Please see the attached Guyan Valley Middle School Volleyball Schedule

Hello Wildcats! Please note a different drop off procedure at GVMS:
We have made a couple of changes to help alleviate some morning drop off congestion. Half of the Wildcat staff will arrive in time to open our doors five minutes earlier, at 7:40. If you drive your student to school, please pull in by the Wildcat Health Center and turn toward GVMS. Please pull up to the Press Box before stopping to unload your student. I ask that your student exits your car, and walk behind your car, if they are going to the gym.
If your student rides the bus to school, busses will pull into Wildcat Country via North Street. The busses will then drive to the end of the street and turn right onto Riverview Avenue. The busses will drop off all students at the gym. This will prevent the line of busses waiting to drop off students from blocking the parent drop off location. I ask that all students that exit the busses walk straight into the gym. A teacher will be at doors waiting to let them in. Busses will be able to drop off students at 7:40 as well.
I hope this helps to provide everyone a smoother morning commute. Thank you.

Wildcats, are you or your student having trouble accessing the internet at home, on a school device? I had the following video created to hopefully alleviate some issues.
Feel free to ask any questions that may arise.
(Try the link one more time, I corrected it. I apologize)

School is out! Stay tuned for important information throughout the summer. I am going to continue with Birthday Wishes.
Happy Birthday to this week's Wildcats:
June 4th - Brooke Carter & Kirby LeMaster
June 5th - Gauge Parsons
June 7th - Keith Jeffers & Summer Hicks
June 8th - Domanic Adkins
June 9th - Teacher Mrs. Sherrie Adkins & Teanna Lucas
June 10th - Gabriel Maynard, Kendra White, & Saidee May
Happy Birthday Wildcats!

Any 8th grader who has not chosen their classes for HS needs to complete the survey above.

GVMS is implementing Wildcat Corporations next school year. Wildcat Corporations is a mini-CTE program that focuses on career explorations and simulated workplaces. Students had the opportunity to tour GVMS and receive information regarding each available course. Students will select their first choice, second choice, and then their third choice.
Wildcat Apparel & Designs - This course will allow students to design and create t-shirts, signs, posters, cups, etc. Wildcat Designs & Apparel will aim to take the place of big stores typically utilized for fundraisers.
WV Tourism & Hospitality - Creating itineraries for trips in WV and creating flyers recognizing wonderful places to visit in WV through research and visiting. This Wildcat Corporation will also create field trips focusing on WV.
Accounting & Finance - This Wildcat Corporation will learn the basics of adult finances, such as: taxes, writing checks, interest, applying for loans, student loans and colleges. This Wildcat Corporation will help keep financial records for our Wildcat Corporations and GVMS.
Graphic Designs/Social Media - This Wildcat Corpoation will create/update the GVMS Schoology and Facebook page, and the GVMS sign in front of the school.
Drama/Theater - Drama and Theater will develop and perform a fall and spring production, a talent show, assemblies, and organizing skits for pep rallies.
Event Planning - This Wildcat Corporation will focus on planning major events for our school, such as: dances, pep rallies, speakers for different activities at our school, and after school activities for the community.
Education & Training - This Wildcat Corporation will help students that desire a career in education. This course will focus on how to teach, creating and implementing lesson plans, tutoring, and presenting. This Wildcat Corporation will also give students the opportunity to become peer tutors.
Student Services - This Wildcat Corporation will organize and run the GVMS Clothing Pantry, Food Pantry, and Virtual Pantry. The students in this course will also be in charge of the birthday bulletin board, the Student of the Month bulletin board, the Students in the News bulletin board, and increasing the school culture.
Introduction to Carpentry - This Wildcat Corporation will have a full workshop with workstations, basic hand held tools, tool benches, and safety materials. Students in this Wildcat Corporation will learn the basics of hand held tools, carpentry, and repairing every day household items.
Coding - Students in this Wildcat Corporation will learn the foundations of coding and utilizing 3D printers. GVMS has a class set of laptops for this course, three 3D printers, and Code WV curriculum and programming.
Broadcasting - This Wildcat Corporation will produce a news broadcast that is pushed out to all staff and students, every Monday morning. This broadcast should cover the previous week's highlights, news clips from games/events, features on students, staff, and community members, and include upcoming important dates and events.
Sports' Management - Students in this Wildcat Corporation will work on preparing fields and the gym for games and practices, ice baths and water prepared daily, ensuring locker rooms and fields are clean and cleared for safety, learn the basics of how to wrap athletes for different injuries and first aid, how to complete concussion tests, heat safety, and the location of all necessary medical equipment.
Health Sciences - Students in this Wildcat Corporation will have the opportunities to learn: first aid, CPR, how to operate AEDs, take vitals of patients, bedside manners, and checking blood pressure. Students will have access to a mock hospital room.
Information and Technology - Students in this Wildcat Corporation will have the opportunity to become certified in Microsoft Applications and keyboarding. This Wildcat Corporation has their own laptops and program.
Agriculture & Life Management - This Wildcat Corporation will have the opportunity to join the Middle School chapter of FFA. This course will focus on the introduction to agriculture and adult life skills. Some of the student learning outcomes for Agriculture & Life Management are: planting and growing food, animal sciences, writing resumes, interviews, job attainment, paying for college, applying for scholarships, cleaning, house maintenance, checking/savings accounts, investing, laundry, budgeting, child care, and cooking.

All upcoming 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students, that were not in attendance yesterday, please fill out the above survey.

This is a reminder from GVMS that we will dismiss today at 1:30 for LCHS graduation. Thank you.