Lincoln County Schools will be closed on Tuesday, February 11, 2025.

There will be no after-school for Tuesday, February 4, 2024 at GVMS. Thank you and apologize for any inconvenience.

Good evening Wildcats
GVMS students received their 2nd 9 weeks report cards today. Please take a moment to look over your student's grades. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of their teachers to schedule a parent conference. Thank you.

Important Announcement: N.T.I. Days for January 6 ,7, & 8, 2025 (updated)
Due to inclement weather, school will be on Non-Traditional Instruction (N.T.I.) Days on January 6 ,7, & 8, 2025. Students should complete assignments in their N.T.I. packets and check their Schoology accounts for further instructions from teachers.
If you experience any issues logging into Schoology, please contact Beverly Davis at bsdavis@k12.wv.us for assistance. Stay safe and warm!

Good morning parents and guardians,
Around 9:00 am, administration initiated a school wide "lock down", as a means to provide a sick staff member privacy. GVMS was on a "lock down" for approximately 20 minutes this morning. No threat or harm was ever directed toward our students and staff, as administration announced prior to the initiation of the "lock down". Administration simply wanted to keep students in their classes during this time. The "lock down" was lifted about 20 minutes ago. Thank you
Brittany Porter, Ed. D.
Guyan Valley Middle School

November 1, 2024 is Parent-teacher conference day. There will be no school for students. Teachers will be available for meetings with parents. If you need to meet with your child's teacher, contact them for a meeting time.

Good evening
Your Guyan Valley Middle School student received their report card for the completion of the first nine weeks grading period. Please ask your child to share this report card with you. Friday, November 1st, students will stay home and parents will be provided the opportunity to attend Parent/Teacher Meetings at GVMS. You can schedule a meeting with any of your child's teachers to discuss any concerns you may have.
Your child should also be bringing home their attendance report.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at:

Starting NEXT Tuesday, October 22, GVMS will be having a "Good News Club!" for GVMS students, hosted by trained community members from the Lincoln Church of God.
The times will be from 3:45-5:00 for 6th - 8th grade students, regardless of religious background. Parents are also welcome to attend with the student if they wish.
Permission forms much be filled out to attend, and this will be EVERY TUESDAY!

Parents and Guardians--
We will be starting afterschool beginning 10/15 from 4-5PM that meets Monday-Thursday. There will not be a bus offered this year, so please make pick-up arrangements. Student athletes, band members, and the robotics team are all strongly encouraged to register. Sign-up are available anytime.

Our Wildcat Football team will still be playing the Hamlin Bobcats at 6:30 pm. Our team wished to go ahead with our regularly scheduled football game, and honor one of our own - Ryder Shortridge.
However, after careful consideration, the Homecoming festivities have been moved to next week's home game against Sherman.
I apologize for any inconveniences or disappointments my (Principal - Dr. Porter) decision causes. Several expressed concerns with celebrating, throwing candy, playing music and more - tomorrow evening.
I assure you, any athletic events for September 26th, will be moved, to allow all students the opportunity to attend our Homecoming Football Game vs. Sherman Tide.
I decided to leave the dance for Saturday, September 21st, in the attempt to prevent further conflicts in scheduling or inconveniences. Again, I apologize for the changes at such a short notice.

Please join us tonight in supporting our GVMS JV Football Team as they take on the Hamlin JV Bobcats, at GVMS at 6:30 pm.

Our schedule will be shifting slightly. The doors will open for buses at 7:25 at the gym and at 7:25 for parents at the back door (by the football field). Wildcat Time (Homeroom) will start at 7:50. Attendance will be taken during Wildcat Time and students arriving after 7:50 will be Tardy. Dismissal will be 3:20.

Today during 10th period, GVMS students received their 2024 WVGSA scores. Please ask your student if they received their scores and review it with them. Thank you!

Band Opportunity for our Middle School students!

Guyan Valley Middle School will be dismissing at 8:30 due to no electricity.

GVMS's Wildcat Corporations' Broadcasting WCTV CTE team were invited to participate in the Explorer's Manufacturing Video Contest. Please enjoy, view, and share their student submission on Blenko Glass!

Another NTI (Snow!) Day!
Yesterday, several parents/students expressed difficulty with accessing the internet from their school issued device. I had this video created at the beginning of the year and shared it again on our School Facebook Page. I am providing the link to the video below, just incase someone finds it helpful.
~Dr. Brittany Porter

Good morning Wildcats! I hope everyone is safe, warm, and enjoying the snow day! Please check your Schoology to find assignments/updates from your teachers. If you have any questions or need help - please send your teacher a message on Schoology or their email. If you need anything at all, please reach out to me - Dr. Porter - via Schoology, email (beporter@k12.wv.us), phone, or any other means you may have.
Second semester schedules have also been updated! Check out what CTE you were placed in!

Students that live up Four Mile will be dismissing at approximately 1:30 to go home.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! While you are enjoying your break from school, please take the time to have your student (or self), to complete this survey regarding CTE choice for second semester. Students can choose to stay in their current CTE or opt to apply for a different CTE. Please complete the survey in its entirety - select your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices. I will do my very best to honor choices while also working with staff to determine every student's best CTE placement. Thank you!